United By Isolation
Amid the pandemic, when companies were laying off and furloughing employees, we launched a campaign to help offset the financial troubles that weighed on the families and businesses affected by these unusual circumstances.
I led the team in developing and launching a campaign that aimed to bring people together, even though we were in quarantine, isolated in our own homes. The goal was to sell shirts, raise money, and give it back to those in need of assistance.
With local restaurants and businesses being so dramatically affected, the idea was to help out on multiple levels. Once the shirts were sold and the money was raised, we would go around to local restaurants and food shops and buy up gift cards. This would feed money back into local businesses at a time where business was coming to a stall. The gift cards were then donated to United Way of Central Indiana where they distributed them to families who had lost their jobs due to COVID-19.
Thousands of Dollars In Proceeds Were Raised.
The Proceeds Supported Local Shops & Restaurants With The Purchase of Gift Cards.
The Gift Cards Were Donated To The United Way of Central Indiana & Dispersed to Families Negatively Affected By COVID 19.